With us it is possible to invest in restaurants in different countries.
For over 25 years we are actively working on building real estate in various countries in Europe.
Are you trying to sell or buy a Restaurant business? Advertise your Restaurant business opportunity for sale or wanted to buy request on these pages. These businesses are being advertised by owner/sellers, business brokers/agents, business buyers, and intermediaries.
If you would like to list a Restaurant business for sale or business wanted to buy posting on these page.
if you have any queries regarding our services or if you would like to discuss the possibilities for your property, please send us your contact details and we will respond as quickly as possible.
In the contact form you can specify what you're looking for or what property you would like to Sell.
such as:
- Country
- State
- Apartment / villa/ Hotel / Restaurant
- Total number of rooms
- Budget
Click here to fill out the Contactform
Ideally located within walking distance to all amenities and the beach.
These properties represent excellent value for money, perfect for an investment property.
Whether you are a business owner or you are interested in purchasing a business
We Sell Your Business.
These properties represent excellent value for money, perfect for an investment property.
Rijksweg 42
1871 PE Schoorl
The Netherlands
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